These docs are for rspc v0.3.0 and will be deprecated. Checkout for the latest docs.


For rspc to be able to convert your types into Typescript they must implement the specta::Type trait. Specta (opens in a new tab) is a crate that was created so that rspc can introspect Rust types. The Type trait allows the Typescript exporter to understand the fields, generics and dependant types of a Rust type.

The easiest way to implement the specta::Type trait is by using the specta::Type derive macro. We have already implemented most in-built types if you can find a missing one open a GitHub Issue (opens in a new tab).

use specta::Type;
pub struct MyStruct {
    pub name: String,
    pub age: i32,
pub enum MyEnum {
    // It is import MyStruct also implements `Type` or this will not work


You should be careful when using generics with type aliases (opens in a new tab) as you may run into situations where the types are not exported correctly. As far as we are aware this is a known limitation with Rust and is not something we can fix. If you run into this edge case you should change to using a struct instead of a type alias to workaround the problem.

Other languages

Specta stores information about your type which means an exporter for languages other than Typescript (opens in a new tab) could be made. If you are interested in supporting other languages, you can do so directly using the specta::Type trait in your own project, however a pull request to Specta would be appreciated.

Specta without rspc

Specta is an independent crate and can be used without rspc. Refer to it's documentation (opens in a new tab) for support using it.