These docs are for rspc v0.3.0 and will be deprecated. Checkout for the latest docs.


If you are using Prisma Client Rust (opens in a new tab) with rspc generally use select & include (opens in a new tab) instead of this.

It is very common when building an API to fetch some data from the database but you only want to expose a subset of the data to the client. With rspc you can use the selection! macro to easily return a subset of fields on a struct.

For example say you have a User struct like the following:

pub struct User {
    pub id: i32,
    pub name: String,
    pub email: String,
    pub age: i32,
    pub password: String,

If your database returns a User struct you are unable to return it directly from your procedure as that would leak the value in the password field. Traditionally you would have to create a second struct without the password field, however this isn't optimal as it adds unnecessary boilerplate to your project. Instead you can use the selection! macro like below to select only certain fields from the struct.

let router = <Router>::new()
    .query("me", |t| {
        t(|_, _: ()| {
            // This struct would be returned from your database!
            let user = User {
                id: 1,
                name: "Monty Beaumont".into(),
                email: "".into(),
                age: 7,
                password: "password123".into(),
            selection!(user, { name, age }) // We select only the name and age fields to return
    .query("users", |t| {
        t(|_, _: ()| {
            let user = User {
                name: "Monty Beaumont".into(),
                email: "".into(),
                age: 7,
                password: "password123".into(),
            // We have a vector of data which contains information but we only want to return some of it the user.
            // Eg. We don't want to expose the password field.
            let users = vec![user.clone(), user.clone(), user];
            // Here we are selecting the fields we want to expose on each item in the list. This is completely type safe!
            // The square brackets around the selection dictate that the selection should be applied to each item in the list.
            selection!(users, [{ name, age }])